My T1D Diagnosis Story: Hannah Burton

For those who do not know, my name is Hannah Burton. I became a part of the Sugar Medical team in November of 2020. I joined as a content creator working mostly with video content but adding a few other things in here and there. Before I started working with Sugar Medical, I was a huge fan of their products!

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes back in August of 2016, at the age of 26. You could name any of the several symptoms of undiagnosed T1D, and I could tell you I had it. Exhaustion, extreme weight loss, hair loss, mood swings, and severe dehydration… the list goes on. It took me a long time to admit that something was very wrong and make the decision to go to the emergency room.

When I finally did, I found out that I was in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). My body was doing everything it could to keep me alive each day. I ended up staying in the hospital for five days, and the doctors told me that if I had not gone in when I did, there was a very high chance I would not be living today. Learning that I was officially diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes was hard. I also had a 3-yeard old (at the time) daughter, that I was too weak to care for on my own, though super blessed to have a very supportive family during that time of my life.

I originally started insulin with a vial and syringe, finally able to switch to pens after several months. Now days I am grateful to be able to have the Omnipod Insulin Pump and FreeStyle Libre Sensor. Along with this amazing technology making managing Type 1 Diabetes a bit easier, I found Sugar Medical and was able to add their products to that same list!

Going on nearly five years of living with Type 1 Diabetes, I have grown stronger physically and mentally. It has shown me what I am capable of daily. Sharing my story on social media has allowed me many opportunities I would not have had before and has brought so many great people into my life.

1 comment

  • Matthew Baker

    Love to hear when those facing diabetes are able to overcome it and do something they love. Have been T1D for almost 40 years and there’ll be days that I still struggle, but I always keep my head up and keep working with it.

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