Life Before Diabetes

What I miss about my life before type 1 diabetes…

Girl with Omnipod POD on

I was diagnosed with diabetes as an adult at the age of 26. Because of this, I had many years and lots of experiences in my life without diabetes being a factor. While there are many different things I miss about life before diabetes, here are the top two that I think about often.

The first being the obvious; no carb counting or insulin injections. I didn’t have to county every tiny piece of food I ate, and I never had to deal with the fear of multiple injections before mealtimes.

Second, I miss how I never had to worry or fear so much. After diagnosis, worry has been a daily occurrence. Can I still do everything I’ve wanted in life? Do I have all the supplies I need to get me through this day? Can I afford all my diabetes supplies? Do I have enough insulin or sugar to keep me going?

These are more than your average worries. On a daily basis, they can be hard to deal with, though with no other option, I have learned to just keep pushing through.


Life before type 1 diabetes was great, but life after diagnosis is, too.

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